Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Formation Flying Saturday, Take Two...

We debriefed and briefed again. At the same time, the other little groups were re-briefing too.

Our same group of four was ready for another take-off, with one little change...  Kevin assumed position 3, swapping with Joe, who was taking his Baron to the outer edge of the formation flight this time.

It was time for Kevin to get front and center of some pictures anyway!

The day was warming up and the air less smooth, but this flight of four took to the air with no incidents and began to practice all the maneuvers we had discussed.  (Our briefing had involved practicing a what a good rejoin was, with the intention of also practicing a missed rejoin and demonstrating how the joining aircraft would slide under the lead and stop on the other side instead.)

After the rejoins went off without much of a hitch, Hank put it to the team... Do we really need to practice doing it wrong when it went so perfectly right?  Umm... No.

So the flight headed back to Deer Valley. I was tempted to write "with visions of lunch dancing in their heads" but seriously, check out the facial expressions of every since pilot I've shot this weekend. Earnest concentration about describes the look. Lunch was not even a twinkle in their eyes until de-briefing was complete. :-)

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