Monday, July 21, 2014

July on Nice Lake, WI

... We're off!

Mark filed an instrument flight plan and at the crack of dawn (ok, 7 AM) on July 17th, we took off... In instrument conditions! The briefer had told me it was low overcast and wouldn't clear til 10 AM, but going northeast like we were planning, it was sure to clear pretty quick and we would be above the clouds in 20 minutes or so. Yep.  All went according to plan.

We were Hayward bound. Headed for the north woods of Wisconsin. For a week of relaxing canoeing, ice cream, hummingbird watching and flying. Oh, and I was ready to celebrate my 40th quietly from cabin in the rustling trees!

Mark and I took turns flying between Longmont and Sioux City - our less-than-planned comfort stop. We taxied up to Landmark FBO and received a red carpet greeting.  An actual red carpet was put down as I stepped off the wing!  It turned out Landmark was a great place to get breakfast too. Kudos to the chef who delivered my eggs benedict with the best Hollandaise sauce I have ever had the pleasure of tasting.

Back up in the air, I flew and Mark tended the radios. Hayward lay beneath us 2 hours later and an uneventful landing preceded 'the great airplane unpack" and a quick ride (thank you Jim!) to Nice Lake, shortly thereafter.

The cabin on the lake welcomed us back.  As sunset approached we made the most of the calm water and waiting canoe. Vacation had definitely started! :-)

After a 5 AM start, flying and several hours on Nice Lake, we were DONE.  Nighty-night everyone!


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