Saturday, July 21, 2012

Where in the World is the Flying Realtor?

Normally this is where you would expect to find an update on my flying life.  And you will again.  But today, I'm somewhere between Colorado and Wisconsin.

On Friday the 20th, I leave Longmont.  I am anticipating we will fly straight and level across Nebraska and Iowa and arrive safely in Rockford Illinois.  Rockford Airport (KRFD) is the meeting place for the Bonanzas To Oshkosh group.  The place from which 120 or so Bonanzas will depart, in formation on the 21st.

We will arrive at Oshkosh, landing 3 abreast, 15 seconds apart and proceed to set up camp together.

Im not entirely sure what the wifi situation will be like at Oshkosh, WI.  All I can say is, it is unlikely I will be spending gobs of time blogging when I'm sleeping under an airplane wing, walking and talking aviation with a million flying-enthusiast peeps and taking in the sights and sound of the biggest airshow in the U.S.  Priorities!

However, it is pretty much guaranteed I will have plenty of stories and photos to share very soon and you are at the right place to see them first.  :-)

In the meantime, check this out...
I am honored to say that has linked to my blog posts about the formation flying clinic that Mark and I completed in June, in preparation for this event!  Scroll down to Photo Albums, in the blue box on the left side of the home page and select 2012 to click through.

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