Sunday, February 06, 2011

Embracing the Snow

It had been snowing the best part of 24 hours. Not heavily, but a light dusting that went on and on... and not everywhere in Boulder either, mainly over my neighborhood and the south Boulder area.

I woke to 6+ inches coating pretty much everything. It was bright white, clean and crunchy, but I knew I only had hours before the (relatively) warm-ish temperature would turn it to a wet, brown slush.

At about 11am I made the quick decision to take in the sights and sounds of this beautiful Sunday morning, with my camera.

First stop... my neighborhood, where it seemed the responsible residents had all made a good effort to shovel the sidewalks already, but most hadn't got as far as digging out their cars, or bikes!

The streets were apparently not as big a priority for plowing on the weekends. No school buses to keep safe perhaps.

I was drawn to one of my favorite south Boulder trails. The thought of open space and snowy Flatiron views were enough for me to mentally push past the lower leg wetness that was gradually creeping upward, and the discomfort that comes with bare fingers on a winter's day.

From the trailhead...

Hellooooo beautiful!
My treat for the day came when some hikers pointed out an eagle, majestically perched above us. He seemed to be keeping an intense eye out for a rodent snack... Or perhaps, just liked having his picture taken!

And finally... A Boulder landmark and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

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