Thursday, September 23, 2010


The question is... Did we hit rock bottom today, far as mess, chaos, destruction and kitchen mayhem go... or do I still have a little way to go???

At this point I'm not really sure. Or am I just not sure it matters anymore?
We MUST be close now.

Josh, Eric and Josh's dad turned up to work! Yep... Josh takes his dad to work when he is visiting!!! The day started out fairly efficiently but stepped up considerably as it went along, turning my house into a crazy hive of activity.

The laundry got its second and third coats of mud.

The kitchen had its insides turned outside.

More electrical and plumbing to reconfigure for a dual fuel stove, under cabinet lights.
And up came the linoleum, revealing (no surprises here) some thin and decidedly mushy plywood that needed replacing.

The cabinets arrived and spent the day enjoying the view from the driveway - until there was room inside to store them.

3:30pm: An exhausted Eric, Josh and his dad pulled away from my house. I was not long home from my own crazy day, but really glad to hear them say they would be back tomorrow. :-)

I believe we are texturing walls tomorrow... So that Saturday I can paint!

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