Friday, September 03, 2010

It's like camping... except colder and dirtier!

Hmm.... Where do I begin?

Remember when I said there were some smaller projects that had to be dealt with before we could really begin the kitchen?

Small Project #3

Our 1955 house still exhibits it's original windows - single paned and metal framed. Aside from being horrible little heat sinks, they are NOT pretty. At some point (soon, I hope) we will endeavor to replace them all. For now we are content to "learn" good window replacement technique, guided by neighborhood wisdom and a whole lot of experimentation. It's a process that might resemble tearing, gouging and smashing out the kitchen window to the untrained eye!

Before we begin...
The little cuts you already see in the frame allowed Osman to accurately measure the "window hole" for ordering the new window. Thanks for the tip Ned!

The theory being that taping the glass first would result in less spraying of shards...

But alas, shortly after this picture and even more shortly after I almost lost an eye, we taped sheaths of cotton sheet over the window too. Safety first! (Or at least a close second)

And once the frame for the actual glass was removed, it was just a matter of grappling with a powered saw until the steel frame was successfully cut open enough to allow a pry-bar in!

And presto! A gaping hole in the house that timed itself perfectly with overnight lows close to 50 degrees last night.

Like I said....Just like camping, only colder... and dirtier!

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