Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Walk In The Woods

Marley and I headed out for a couple of hours of hiking. We began at the South Boulder Trail head and headed west toward the Flatirons, aiming for the Mesa Trail which would take us to Chautauqua - in about 6 miles.

Those foothills are further than they look and it took us an hour to get to Mesa Trail.
Most of the trail was uphill and apparently I am not in the shape I thought I was!
We were never to going to make it to Chautauqua this afternoon, on time for my next client appointment.
Luckily for us, Osman was on-call for a pick-up and an hour later we pushed our sweaty and exhausted selves up the last hill to NCAR (the National Center for Atmospheric Research)and to the waiting 4-runner.
I may not be in the best shape, but was definitely not expecting to be sore for 3 days after this moderate 2.5 hour hike.
It's hard to say if my butt or ego was hurting more in the following days... Actually, it was definitely my butt!
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