Friday, February 12, 2010

Togeter again... In the Blue City

Here we are, back together after 10 days... And it's great!

With just under a week left in India we found ourselves in Jodhpur, otherwise known as the Blue City.

Because you can never have enough of the Forts of India, we decided to pay a visit to the Jodhpur one today. Besides, it towered over our hotel, high on the rocky hill, and seeing it out the window of our room just made it more irresistible.

Away, we went, up the steep and uneven streets, breathless and hot by the time we got there at 9:30am. The entrance fee included an audio tour and the camera fee. Nice! Surprising what makes you happy at the end of the day isn’t it? We also noticed it was not yet flooded with tourists. Even better.

The Jodhpur Fort is really pretty nice. The audio tour is narrated by an older Indian gentleman, his voice is deep and smooth and tinged with a British accent. I felt full to overflowing with good, interesting information!

View over Jodhpur from the fort.

This gorgeous building is none other than the Royal Crematorium. Built of marble thin enough to let the sun light through, it also looks over Jodhpur.

The Jodhpur Fort.

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