Thursday, February 04, 2010

Going rogue - with Mr Bangali

Not in any way similar to Sarah Palin's adventures!

We arrived at the middle-of-nowhere, where our camels awaited us. Our camel guide, Mr Bangali, introduced me to Rocket, my camel. Rocket is huge, a lighter color and obviously has had a working class life. His face droops to the right and his immense lower lip hangs open …never quite able to close his mouth. My first thought was... Stroke? He appeared like a gentle soul though and there seemed absolutely no chance this camel would be endangering me with speed or antics.

Rhys was saddled with Robert. What a handsome camel! Younger, golden and spritely in nature, Robert was very quick to stand up when asked. In fact, perhaps a little too quick! Within hours a surprised Rhys had been dumped from Robert as he exuberantly jumped to his feet before Rhys was quite in the saddle!
Oh yeah! He was definitely going to have the last laugh...and the first too.

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