Monday, February 01, 2010

Desert Festival 2010

I got lucky... The Desert Festival in Jaisalmer coincided with my visit!

And as we all know, there is nothing like a parade with music, dancing and costumes to kick off a festival.

So, this was how I started my January 28th...

From the top of Om Restaurant, where we were partaking in a leisurely breakfast, I heard them coming. The parade had started from the lake, was coming through town and going on to the stadium.
No-one knew exactly when they would get here... I was told "Madam, this is India. It will come in Indian time." You can imagine the accent.
And for 30 mins a procession of dancing beauties... perhaps not even women, drum playing men in wagons pulled by camels, bagpipers (yes! even in India) and performers skipped by. I was mesmerized. It was a peek at what was to come from the stadium later...
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