Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why be vegetarian in India?

There are soooo many good reasons. Many of which you have to see to believe, but trust me, neither Osman or I have any inclination toward meat here!

The chickens peck aimlessly among the garbage, sewage and who knows what! It is the only life they know but even eating eggs has been a larger decision for us after seeing this.
Bear in mind that they could still be considered free range/cageless, antibiotic-free and probably in some sick way, organic too.

The ducks are semi-clean... but again they live here, so they have to work darn hard at it.
And why did someone paint them pink?!

Perhaps it's just the cute factor, but when I look at these little piggies, I can't see chops or bacon!

And my final thought... It's someone's pet! This is as close to being a member of the family as any animal will get in India. Quite an accomplishment for a goat!

(PS: Yes, I'm well aware that meat-eating in the US has it's own special yuck-factor too.)

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