Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More monkey pics... because I can

I never get sick of photographing these guys. And the babies seem to like the attention.





There are two types of monkey here in Rishikesh. The black-faced and the redder ones. The black-faced ones seem to be bigger, but gentler. The red ones have a nasty streak. Most the time they ignore us, but stare to long or give them the wrong impression and they turn aggressive.

We were exiting a rather nice organic cafe one day and a large female with a packet of cookies in hand, stood between us and the street. She glared at me and as I took step forward bared her teeth and took on an attack-like stance... I was scared! In the end a kindly older man had to chase her off with a stick so we could pass.

We were told that it would have been much worse if she had been a male.
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