Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stop Thief!

Josh and Kelsey had just left, and I heard a little noise coming from what should have been an empty house...

Which one of our pets was up to no good? The process of elimination usually reduces it to Smokey Joe pretty darn quickly, so I was a bit surprised to turn the corner and see this...

"Hmmm. Looks like no-ones home. Smells like they left me a snack! Great!"

"Nope, can't see that wretched cat... coast is clear."

"I haven't had this before. I'll just take a little taste to see if it's good."

"I know it's not good for my squirrel figure, but darn it, it tastes so good!"

"Perhaps just a little more..."

"Or a lot."

"No point in leaving this little bit. I'll take the rest 'for my friends'..."

"I wish they would leave the windows open wider!"

...And the reason I'm only a bit surprised, is that I discovered this guy helping himself to a canister of corn starch from our pantry, last week.

Yes, Marley was supervising the raid at the time!!!

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