Saturday, January 17, 2009

The 'R' party

IMG_1454, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.
Rachel turned 28 this week. It was a night to remember (although some really can't) as we all dressed up with the 'R' theme in mind.

To name but a few guests...
Rachel is the red raspberry seen front and center.
Her fellow party animals included (but not limited to) a robot, white rhino, rabbit, rafter, river, runner, rugby player, robin hood and a Russian.

Introducing... Redneck Bridgitte. Still smiling despite the obvious dental issue.

A new twist on Little Red Riding Hood! As it turned out, she fell for Rambo and they were last seen riding off into the sunset somewhere in Brazil.

Thanks to Mike and Lou for being such good sports!

Pretty darn impressive costumes for passengers who dont speak the language, dont get the money, only have two outfits to choose from each day and rarely come across stores.

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