Saturday, January 03, 2009

THE Icon Of Rio

THE icon of Rio, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.
Jesus Christ.
I cant say I remember just how big he is... but he is not to be trifled with.

As we made our way up the steep hill to the top, promises of the best view over Rio danced in our minds. Alas, JC had other plans. Within seconds of arriving the clouds rushed in and darkness fell.

We ended up stuck in a torrential downpour like nothing I have ever experienced, for about 30 minutes. If it weren't for a kind Brazilian man and his umbrella, my backpack (and camera) would have floated back to the hotel!

Sorry guys... there was only room for one!
Perhaps if you'd believed me when I said I saw a puma eating garbage, on the way up here things might have been different.

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