Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pirhana Fishing

Dinner! And Im not kidding.

I was a little dismayed to pull a fish from the river that was kind of barking. When I expressed this to the Brazilian guy beside me he said... dont feel sorry for them. If you fell in the river and were bleeding they would eat you! He pulled its lips apart to show me the teeth, careful not to lose a finger in the process.

I ate that fish for dinner about 4 hours later!

Using bamboo rods, fishing line baited with horse meat and a little recently acquired skill, I managed to snag this guy. The other 3 I caught were, shall we say, not suitable.

Actually one of the staff laughed a me when out of the water came this tiny little fish - that no-one normally catches. They assured me that when I tugged quickly on the line, the little fish was just swimming past and got hooked! A case of wrong place at the wrong time, poor thing.

We got bored after a while and resorted to feeding our catches to a close-by caiman (small alligator).

IMG_2053, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.

He waited patiently in the river all afternoon.

IMG_2048, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.
His patience was rewarded.

This lucky caiman only had to be slightly baited with a fresh pirhana onto the river bank next to us before getting his free lunch.

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