Sunday, January 18, 2009

Natural Wonder

That would be the waterfall behind me...

Although at this point it would also be fair to call me natural too. It has been several weeks since I last saw the inside of a really good shower. You know, one with hot water, drainage and a dry place to put clean (relatively speaking) clothes.

But I can't complain. I am at Iguazu Falls. One side Brazilian, the other Argentinian. The view from the Brazilian side is nothing short of amazing.

Every time I reach a view point I think, this is it... fabulous! And I take another photo. Only to find the next view point is closer, more thunderous, and going to be a better pic still.

If ever I was going to spring for a helicopter ride, this was the time. So I did.
And I was co-pilot!

Thrilling, breathtaking, alarming... and oh what a view.

Iguazu Falls... the river is the border between Brazil and Argentia. This shot taken from the Brazilian side.

This clever little rodent, who´s name escapes me, knows its against the rules to steal, beg or borrow food and cosmetic items from unguarded tourists.

As we posed for a group pic, he snuck in behind and pinched this cherry chapstick from Dannie´s bag. He (and I think it was a he) sat just out of reach behind a barrier and proceded to apply it liberally to his tail.

Once it was gone... so was he. But the scent of cherry lingered on above the falls!

Kristy is our fearless and funny tour leader.
This was her first time at Iguazu Falls too.

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