Sunday, January 04, 2009

And We're Off!

IMG_1667, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.
The pre-departure meeting was last night. I met all 20 others that I would be living with for the next 2 months and so far, so good. No tears.

This morning we awoke to see 'Felicity' parked out front of the hotel, all spic and span and ready to go...
This custom Scania overland vehicle seats 23 in the back. Mostly in a U shape, with seat bottoms that lift off to reveal deep wells. A very "secret squirrel" way to hide all that valuable (and soon to be messy) gear.

Underneath the rubber flooring are floor boards that also lift up, and spaces beneath store everything from truck bits to dried soup to a medical kit and a safe - which shall hence forth be referred to as "the fridge" for security reasons.
I.e. We pull up at a campsite and instead of someone yelling "the safe is open... does anyone need to put anything away?" we yell, "the fridge is open". Get it?

The sides of the truck are also crammed with custom storage spaces. Here we find all the cook gear, including stove and tables, as well as tents, shovels and little camp stools.

This is going to be fun!

IMG_1675, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.

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