Monday, October 10, 2005

Heading to Aspen...

Indepence Pass

Independence Pass, the winding road into Aspen, was alive with color.



The view was worth the climb.

We stopped to see how far we'd come...

and for a little playtime...

Aspen Leaves.

Marley and I took a hike in the woods. Hunter Creek Trail to the top of Smuggler Mtn was a good 2 hours up hill.

A beautiful weekend in Aspen... so Marley and I made the most of it and headed for the hills. We hiked up from Maroon Lake to Crater Lake, taking in the gorgeous color and that earthy-leafy smell that I like so much. Marley made friends with every Japanese tourist along the way, happily posing for picture after picture with the girls.

Incredible color and perfect weather to boot!

Maroon Lake and the Maroon Bells (background).

The Maroon Bells, Aspen

Aspen leaves seem to catch the sunlight and hold it...

Aspen Fall Foliage

Maroon Lake, Aspen

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