Now into her 80's, Donnie hasn't not lost one iota of her zest for life!
The other day she informed me she'd found an activity that looked fun. Renting mountain bikes, taking them up a ski gondola and tearing down the mountain. To be quite honest, I found the whole idea frightening, but if Donnie was enthusiastic and eager, I needed to muster some courage and go along too.
Two days later, with a bit more research under our belts and some sanity reinstated, we decided that losing teeth or breaking a bone just before river boat cruise in August, was not ideal and we moved to Plan B.
Plan B was driving to Winter Park, riding the gondola to the top of the mountain and eating lunch. A bit of leftover courage meant we also agreed to ride the chair lift up and the luge down - what could go wrong!?
Actually it was a fabulous day and one I never would have done without the peer pressure of my 82 year friend, so even after 16 years, it's still with so much gratitude that I look across the street and see her house every day.
I had "Here fishy, fishy" for lunch. Mahi Mahi tacos with something spicy and bits of mango. And my belly said, Amen!
Donnie had this colorful, tasty arugula salad and her plate was clean by the end, so it's fair to say it was delicious too.
When we got to the top and saw bikers in full back/chest pads, elbow and knee guards plus full face helmets, we KNEW we'd made the right decision. OMG. Close call! I mean, they were basically launching themselves down that single track, weaving between the trees!
The Lodge at the top |
Welcome! Are you vaccinated? (why not??!!) If not, then please, please wear a mask! |
What's better than a ride to the top of a ski mountain in a gondola on a pretty day? Freakin' boatloads of colorful flowers everywhere at the top. Spectacular!
We found a couple of Adirondack chairs and spent some time relaxing, breathing in the air of the Rockies and admiring the view. Yes, I do forget how lucky we are to live on the periphery of this grandeur. The haze is wildfire smoke but honestly, still pretty gorgeous and we didn't have breathing issues, so that's a win too!
And now for the finale...
Despite meeting a young chap that was all bandages and Band-Aids from hip to calf and finding out he did it on this ride when he took a corner to fast and flew off the track - we got on the chairlift!
Wow. I had no idea these summer ski-slope activity mecca's were even a thing until today. Winter Park turned on free parking, cute village, music and adventure, reasonably priced food and even more reasonably priced souvenir and gear shops. We had a blast!
Life Lesson from Donnie
Do everything, see everything, learn everything.
Take every opportunity at least once.