Remember back when I had nothing better to do than watch seeds sprout and sprouts grow? Real Estate was super slow and distancing all but thwarted any efforts I made to connect with clients and show houses.
So... real estate is huge again but I haven't forgotten my little green babies in the back yard. A month ago they were spindly and pasty, barely able to tolerate the swings in day and night temps, torrential downpours and random hail storms. Today that 4' x 4' raised bed is a jungle. Veggies are shading each other with their leafy goodness and I'm picking them for dinner, for space creation... to give the remaining ones the best chance possible to reach their full and delicious potential.
So far we are going gangbusters with the swiss chard, mesclun lettuce collection, radishes and hot peppers. The strawberries have mostly met their end in squirrel mouths, the zucchinis are only 2" long and the yellow squash and bush beans are just getting going. Tomatoes that were pasty, got some Miracle Grow and now blossom. Green onions, found hidden beneath neighbors appear to be doing ok and the herbs - well they've gone crazy!!!
I feel invigorated and satisfied when I make my early morning rounds in the garden. Our Isolation Farm (boredom project, grand experiment) is in no uncertain terms, a success!