Thursday, March 01, 2018

Trans-Mongolian Railway - Bucket List Item

You haven't heard from me in a while, I know.
Not because I have had nothing going on but... well... it wasn't me travelling, adventuring and bringing you along for the ride, so I didn't feel compelled to write about it.

But all that is about to change!

In December 2017, I mentioned to Mark that the Trans-Mongolian Railway was on my bucket list. I asked him if he'd like to come along for the adventure of a lifetime and without missing a beat, he replied "yes". You could have knocked me down with a feather for just a second and then... overwhelming excitement and a bunch of gratitude followed.

By February we had both procured copies of Bryn Thomas' book titled Trans-Siberian Handbook; The guide to the world's longest railway journey with 90 maps and guides to the route, cities and towns in Russia, Mongolia & China.

Opening the pages, was opening the door to a world of new things. We discovered some scary and wild Russian superstitions, oodles of sights and activities to partake in, a new way to travel and a sense of amazement that motivated us to begin planning.

And Mark... well he was about to ask for a month off work, for the first time in his life!

Life changing. Pure and simple.