Taking a break from work I decided to plant some flowers out front. After deciding that too was indeed work, I took another break. This time going in search of my little back yard critters. Where could they be?
A little food enticement later, this one crawled head first down the tree to score some tiny little rye bread,with caraway seeds. Yum. Osman had said it was only a matter of time before they started eating right from my hand, and he was right.
Greed has a funny way of overpowering fear!
Meanwhile, back at the apple tree...
The sun was shining, his belly was full. Time for a nap.
In the last couple of years this guy has been caught scrounging for food "commando style" on the ground several times. On first glimpse he appears to be paralyzed from the waist down, but if startled, he jumps up and runs for the nearest tree.
Conclusion: He is just really, inappropriately lazy!
Yes, it appears I have developed a rather unhealthy attachment to our backyard squirrels... especially the baby ones! What's the big deal?